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    Event calendar

    „Bubnovačka“ - In order to hear the kids better!

    „Bubnovačka“ - In order to hear the kids better!

    Another year of the event called "Bubnovačka" is being prepared in Slovakia, which is to symbolically draw attention to the importance of protecting children from violence this year as well as to open the topic of early prevention in society.

    Digital Youth Forum (DYF)

    Digital Youth Forum (DYF)

    (DYF) is dedicated to education in the field of positive, creative and safe use of the Internet.




    Types of violence you can be threatened by:

    Physical abuse

    Physical abuse

    If someone in your close surroundings, in the family or at school intentionally causes you injuries you by slapping, beating, kicking, choking, strangling or intentionally causes you scratches, bruising on your body, burns, and by such behaviour threatens you and causes you pain, it means s/he physically abuses you. It is important that you turn to someone who will help you in such a situation. The thing that someone physically abuses you is not your fault. No one is entitled to hurt you like that.

    Mental abuse

    Mental abuse

    If someone in your close surroundings, in the family or at school threatens you or your close ones (e. g. sibling, parent), mocks , or humiliate or ignore you or your close ones or physically abuses member of your family and by such behaviour s/he threatens you, causes you felling of shame or sadness, s/he mentally abuses you. It is important that you turn to someone who will help you in such a situation. The thing that someone mentally abuses you is not your fault. No one is entitled to hurt you like that.

    Sexual abuse

    Sexual abuse

    If someone touches you in intimate places without your consent, if s/he causes you pain in these places, if s/he forces you to reveal these places, unreasonably or without your consent s/he records you or takes pictures of you in intimate situations and situations when you are naked, if s/he forces you to touch someone else in intimate places or to make you look at their nudity, it may mean that you are being sexually abused. It is important that you turn to someone who will help you in such a situation. The thing that someone sexually abuses you is not your fault. No one has the right to hurt you like that.



    Neglect as one of the forms of violence signifies an acute and serious threat of the child with a lack of care and motives important for its healthy physical and psychological development and includes the following:

    Physical neglect: failure to provide physical needs, which may be followed or respectively overlap with physical abuse (lack of nutrition in terms of quality and quantity, insufficient provision of clothing, accommodation and hygiene needs of the child)

    Neglect of health: lack of health care, lack of protection from any threat

    Psychological and emotional neglect: failure to ensure emotional needs, intellectual and psychological development of the child, abandonment of the child



    Bullying takes place predominantly at school or school facility and it signifies the behaviour of a pupil with the intention to harm, threaten or intimidate another pupil or intentional, most likely repeated attack on a pupil or group of pupils who for various reasons do not know how or cannot effectively defend themselves. Bullying can manifest itself mainly in physical attacks, insults, invectives, mockery, embarrassment, but also as a stealing of something or cyberbullying. Cyberbullying involves the misuse of information and communication technologies (particularly the telephone, tablet, internet and social networks) for intentional threats, harm or intimidation, often in conjunction with other forms of bullying.

    Secondary victimisation

    Secondary victimisation

    It is a phenomenon when a victim of violence repeatedly becomes a victim of violence as a result of insensitive conduct, inadequate attitude or inaction of each person in a system determined for helping the victims of violence. Secondary victimisation can also be caused by insensitive media coverage of cases of violence – for more information on this topic, see this page: For the media.

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    816 43 Bratislava