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„Bubnovačka“ - In order to hear the kids better!

„Bubnovačka“ - In order to hear the kids better!

Another year of the event called "Bubnovačka" is being prepared in Slovakia, which is to symbolically draw attention to the importance of protecting children from violence this year as well as to open the topic of early prevention in society. On November 19, 2020, we will commemorate the idea of the event "In order to hear kids better" for the seventh time.

This year will be particularly special because of the current situation caused by disease Covid-19. We have all become victims. Victims of Covid-19 and its aftermath. It brought quarantines, social isolation and economic threats. But it shows us how we can lock ourselves in and help each other. We can only protect ourselves from joint efforts, just as we can protect ourselves from any violence.

We can only deal with violence by not trivializing, ignoring and perceiving it as something that does not concern us.

Violence against children is here, it is around us, even though we often do not perceive it, we do not see it. The confinement in homes during the pandemic has also increased our sensitivity to what is happening around us. And suddenly, when we stayed at home, we noticed that the baby's crying was not here and there, that it was regular, that something always preceded it. It is important to perceive children and listen more, it is important to trust children. That is why, since 2014, the all-Slovak Bubnovačka has been organized every November - "In order to hear the kids better!". An event that aims to symbolically draw attention to the importance of protecting children from violence and to support the topic of early prevention in society.

More than 55,000 children and adults have been involved in drumming in recent years. This year will be different. Due to the complexity of the situation, we will not drum in the streets, in yards or gyms. But if you will be in the classroom with your students on November 19, 2020, from 10:00 to 11:00, or online, drum up together and remind yourself that the Voice of the Children is important.

We believe that in a year we will meet again in the squares and we will double the drum for this challenging year as well!

If you are going to drum, regardless of the place, be sure to let us know, info about the place, we will continuously publish on in the map Bubnovačka 2020. At the same time you can add your photos on FB the event "We are drumming in order to hear the kids better 2020!", which you can find at FB Centrum Slniečko, no.

Bubnovačka was launched in 2014 by Centrum Slniečko, n.o., a member of the Coalition for Children Slovakia, which has been dealing with the issue of violence against children for more than 20 years. For several other years, this event has been taking place in cooperation with the National Coordination Centre for Resolving the Issues of Violence against Children at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic, which plays a key role in Slovakia in implementing specific systemic solutions ensuring child protection from violence.

November is the month of several important dates in the field of protection of child rights. Since 2015, 18 November has become European Day on the Protection of Children againts Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, 19 November is World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Exploitation and 20 November is World Children's Day declared by UNICEF, during which the world commemorates the adoption of the the child rights. That is why organizations operating in Slovakia in the field of child protection against violence chose November 19 as the day when CHILDREN'S VOICES SHOULD BE HEARED BETTER!

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